Friday, January 9, 2015

When Things Don’t Go as Planned, the Plan Has to Change


“The only limits in life are the ones you make”

You know, when life changes we think we have it all figured out until we realize that the plan did not go as planned; but that is ok; even super woman/man has a weakness. Today I came to the realization that my super plan to get up at 4 a.m. every morning after a long day at work and school and studying was not exactly as easy as I thought it would be. Especially for someone who cannot seem to get a decent amount of sleep at night.

I have to make some very serious adjustments and discipline myself to do what it is I am supposed to do if I am going to stay on this path of greatness. I have come entirely too far to just turn back now. Over the past few weeks my business has been in full swing, school has been in full swing, but fitness…not so much. I have been slacking compared to my previous fitness schedule.

I decided that I would need to adjust my fitness schedule to match my current situation; meaning no more Saturday off days. My new gym schedule will be Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. So Tuesdays and Thursdays will be my off days and I will only work out once a day instead of twice and my run days will be determined by my mood, but I am thinking Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

I intend on posting an update to let you know how next week goes so stay tuned.

And…It Is What It Is!

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